Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Remembering Margaret John As Marian Owen...

Margaret John as Marian Owen in Crossroads, a part she played from 1978 to 1985. ATV photograph courtesy of the Crossroads Appreciation Society.

Tim has written:

I remember very fondly the character of Marion Owen, the receptionist at the group practice in King's Oak, and Kevin's aunty in the Crossroads saga in the 1980's. I was saddened to hear of actress Margaret John's death a while ago, as I think she was one of the best Welsh TV actresses around. What do you remember about the Marion Owen character? I'd love it if you could write a blog post about her.

Well, like you, Tim, I remember Marian Owen as played by Margaret John, very fondly. Marian was actually not much of a character - she was sensible and understanding, but not particularly interesting. Highly skilled actress Margaret John invested the character with a tremendous warmth, and so she became not only Kevin Banks's auntie, but probably the auntie we all would like to have, and a character who added tremendous "watchability" to every episode she appeared in.

She first appeared in 1978 and was a recurring character until 1985. 

In 1980, Marian moved beyond the group practice in the village to develop a home of her own, and a family - with the arrival of her nephew, Kevin Banks, soon to be followed by her dreadfully snobbish sister, Sally, and brother-in-law, Oliver.

A childless widow, Marian spent no time moping about. She gave a caring ear to friends and family, and spoke commonsense at times of crisis. It was in her house, around November 1980, that the devious Iris Scott seduced Kevin whilst Marian was out. Oh dear! What a hoo-hah that caused! Poor Glenda was devastated. Of course, Marian was around to help calm the ensuing shock waves.

Popping in and out of the serial, Marian had no real story-lines of her own. She always took part in other characters' stories. 

By early 1982, Marian had moved out of her large house near the golf course into smaller accommodation, and the house had been sold to Reg and Jennifer Lamont.

1983 was a big year for Marian as her sister Sally discovered that her marriage had squalled on to the rocks - hubby Oliver had fallen for Sharon Metcalfe of the motel garage, and Glenda and Kevin went in for a test tube baby. Although kind and caring, Marian could speak out when needed. It was in 1983 that she took Kevin to task for bossing Kath around. In the wake of Arthur's death in 1982, it must be said that Glenda and Kevin had both got a bit domineering when it came to the home front at the Brownlows', and Kevin certainly needed telling. And who better to do so than Auntie Marian? I remember cheering at the time!

Marian was a good friend and understanding confidante to Kath Brownlow, as she faced up to widowhood.  She last appeared in 1985, as a guest at the wedding of Kath to Stephen Fellowes. 

Marian was a very positive character. As a widow with no children, she could have been pathetic and whingeing, but she was always positive. An aunt of mine, in similar circumstances herself, said she found Marian a great comfort. That was in the days when soap operas did positive characters. Far too many nowadays are just the opposite (in my humble opinion!).

It was Margaret John who turned Marian from what could have been a make-weight short stayer into a cherished Crossroads memory. I have read elsewhere that the actress was a "national treasure". Well, I've never seen her more noted role in Gavin And Stacey, but for her Crossroads character alone I'd have to agree.

Christmas 1980, and Margaret John, dressed in character as Marian Owen (back row, far right), lines up in reception with other members of the Crossroads cast, including Roger Tonge as Sandy Richardson, Noele Gordon as Meg Mortimer, Jane Rossington as Jill Harvey, Tony Adams as Adam Chance and Kathy Staff as Doris Luke. Thanks are due again to the Crossroads Appreciation Society for supplying this ATV photograph.

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